What does this Sloth Squeak! video have to do with running a small business or living with chronic illness? Both are stressful. Both are... Continue reading →
I knew when I took on 6 credits this quarter that it would impact my work, however I really want to finish my degree. I have been trying to finish a college degree for almost 16 years. That is half my life! Continue reading →
In the grand scheme of things, updating my calendar seems a lower priority than most tasks. However, I've definitely noticed a difference in my business and myself when I keep the calendar up to date versus when I don't... Continue reading →
This article just kept growing, so I’ve decided to break it up into its 3 parts. Part 1 covers how I made the GAPS diet work for me while vending at Emerald City Comicon, a Seattle comic book convention with... Continue reading →
I spent most of this morning figuring out what to do about my Spring quarter classes. After much self-reflection and discussion with my hubby, I decided to withdraw from Public Speaking... Continue reading →